Abstract acrylic painting for beginners

Love the idea of painting with ease in an abstract style, but you’re not sure where to start?
This online short course will teach you how to create an abstract painting from your own inspiration — with step by step guidance — taking you from inspiration to sketch to completed painting.
Don’t let perfectionism or fear hold you back!

What’s included?
Step-by-step instructions and demonstrations showing the complete painting process from start to finish.
4 modules breaking the process down to achievable steps.
Moving you through collecting inspiration, loosening things up with sketching, then preliminary warm up painting exercises and on to creating your complete abstract painting.
Decision-making explained – I talk you through my thought process and reactions as I create the painting.
An introduction to important art-making principles including colour mixing, composition, working with layers, mark making, line and balance.
Working with acrylic paints – access to my approach.
Tips on finishing a painting.
A repeatable process – take inspiration from the world around you to create as many unique abstract paintings as you like.
A supplies shopping list with options to suit your budget, needs and personality!
The outcomes that can be achieved using this repeatable process are unlimited — in the bonus video series I show you how I create a second, completely different painting.
A reflection pdf to help you record your thoughts and manage all the post-painting feels, so you can be inspired to keep painting!
Self-paced. Access any time, anywhere. A repeatable process so you can keep learning.
This course is for you if:
~ You have never painted before and would like to learn in a way that is not overwhelming and focuses on enjoyment.
~ You’ve often wondered if you had some untapped creativity in you but don’t know if you could make painting work for you.
~ You love the idea of painting with ease in an abstract style but you’re not sure where to start.
~ You've done some painting here and there but got frustrated and stuck worrying about perfection and getting it ‘right’.
~ Your preferred method for learning is being shown and then trying it out for yourself.
~ You love the idea of creating intuitively but you don’t know what that looks like.
~ You want to learn about important art-making principles without spending too much time on theory.
~ You’d love to make use of your paint collection.

Past students are saying
“Your explanations and the process was so enjoyable that I really like my painting and feel happy with it.
So much so that I'm getting it shadow framed”
‘I realised I am very processed in my thinking and I needed a process to un-process enough to be able to see things completely differently and in a way that is abstract and new to me!!
. . Your advice was brilliant’
‘Belinda was a fantastic teacher with a great amount of both information and fun.
The pace of the workshop allowed us to really try some different things out and relax into the process.
It was fabulous!’
Enjoy the process.
Learn from the comfort of your home at your own pace.
Access any time, from anywhere in the world.
Gain creative confidence.
Step by step demonstrations to help you tap into your own creativity
and follow your inspiration and joy.
Let go of overwhelm and learn by watching and doing.
Apply new skills.
Learn the process and apply it over and over again.
See your creativity and enjoyment grow.
I’m Belinda Marshall – a self-taught painter of 19 years.
I created this course to share my love of painting.
Having a rewarding creative practice has been a life-saver, especially during the pandemic.
Seeing people put fear and perfectionism aside so they can connect with their desire to create is what makes me want to teach – seeing that look of excitement and inspiration when they realise what’s possible, with just a brush and some key colours, is priceless.
In this course I have taken the little pieces of gold from my years of trial and error to share a process that is fun and perfect for getting you started without the overwhelm.
You don’t need to get stuck on all the theory or have all the fancy tools ~ just a desire to connect with your own creativity and learn something new!
* Self paced, access any time *
No. Everything is pre-recorded so you can view any time from anywhere in the world.
You will have access to the class through your online portal for as long as you wish.
As many times as you fancy.
This course is self-paced and pre-recorded for you to complete at home.
If you’d like to join a community of like-minded artists you can check out the Studio Friends Membership.
The course is only available to access through the log-in only portal. This is to protect copyright of the materials.
Sure, we are happy for you to learn as a family. We ask that you don’t pass it on or share the content with people outside your home.
Your purchase allows for personal use only.
We recommend tried and tested supplies and give you materials list options to suit your budget and needs. You can start small and add to your supplies when you feel ready.
We will do some simple sketches as part of the warm up but the focus will be on loosening up rather than drawing in a realistic style.
The content of the course is based on our 3 hour in-person workshops and we recommend you give yourself an afternoon or morning to complete.
You are free to approach this as you wish, and you can stop and come back to it as many times as you like.
It is designed to suit beginners but will benefit anyone who has made a start with painting and would like to learn how to take inspiration from the outside world to create an abstract painting.
Feel free to contact us with any questions :)
Got some questions?
I’m here to answer them.
Send any questions about the course via the contact form and I’ll get straight back to you.